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Intervale Terrace Plot A4 Records

Lot 1 is available.
Purchaser: Lot 2 Amanda Theberge
Current owner: Amanda Theberge
Purhcaser: Lot 3 Jeanne and Robin Brooks
Current Owner: Jeanne and Robin Brooks
Purchaser: Lot 4 David A. and Mary Theberge
Current Owner: David A. and Mary Theberge
Purchaser: Lot 5 Nellie Coulter
Current Owner: Nellie Coulter

Monument Images:
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Lot 5 Burial Rights
Purchased: 1
Remaining: 3

Nellie Coulter
Date of Birth: 10/29/1934
Date of Death: 03/12/2021
Lot 4 Burial Rights
Purchased: 2
Remaining: 1

Reserved: Mary Theberge
Reserved: David Theberge
Lot 3 Burial Rights
Purchased: 4
Remaining: 0

Reserved: Jeanne Brooks
Reserved: Robin Brooks
Lot 2 Burial Rights
Purchased: 4
Remaining: 0

Reserved: Amanda Theberge
Lot 1 Burial Rights
Purchased: 0
Remaining: 4
